EDITOR’S LETTER Milos Kalvin. Shooter Magazine N5
It is our pleasure to introduce SHOOTER MAGAZINE N5 vol 1 Special portraits The Publisher Milos Kalvin @miloskalvin. Photo by Giacomo Por Editor’s letter I have two daughters, Sarah and Raquel. What I first did when I saw them in her mother’s arms after they...
ISSUE N6 Autumn Project 2014 The second cover
It is our pleasure to introduce Shooter Magazine N6 CHARACTERS IN TRANSIT Autumn Project 2014 We show the second Cover I’ll be late, 2013. Iphone 4S by Christian Mondot @cclm31 2 differents covers +10 artists +200 pages. +200 photos and almost 1 kg of “pure...
Rainy night, 2013, iphone 5
Fernando Cruz @fernandojcruz This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by Fernando Cruz @fernandojcruz subscriber and shareholder of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the fourth issue of Shooter Magazine N4 ABOUT...