1 Annual payment or 12 comfortable Monthly payments. Choose your model!


The Shooter Magazine project is supported via “crowd funding”, whereby the first 3,000 subscribers are automatically investor/shareholders.

The magazine has 200 pages in full color with high quality in inks and paper weight you use, items of mobile photographers around the world, a mastercalss, an article of a pro photographer “No Mobile Shooter”. The section we have called “Shoorter Says” where we echo the main groups / associations mobile photographers ans the most important events related to mobile photography that are happening around the world and a section especially dedicated to our subscribers / shareholders “Partners arround the world”.

Furthermore, once it formalized the subscription, the subscriber will receive a “White Vip Card” credited as Shooter Magazine Partner ans Sahreholder of EACH WITH NUMBER OF SHOOTER also receive a signed and numbered among the guests ARTIST WORK. A PIECE OF ART COLLECTION PHOTO MOBILE.

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