TESTIMONIAL MOBILE SHOOTER Baltasar Lopez @baltasan RUBEN’S HISTORY I AM NOT RARE, I AM EXCEPTIONAL! Every morning, Ruben’ s parents wake up early, very early, to tidy him up, to nourish him and other small details that have already standardized in their lives. They are “professionals” of care, and learn something new every day. Ruben has a special diet, his illness prevents him from swallowing food. Two years ago, doctors put a tube directly into the stomach for feeding him and prevent him from choking. His mother Mari is a cleaner and she works in a mall with a too tight schedule andtoo low wage for the needs of the family.The mall manager is very involved with the workers and always helps with whatever they need. Today she has finished her work half an hour before in order to take thesephotographs. Mauro, his father, works in a small courier company which does not go through agood time. Mauro last year spent five months unemployed… (continue in the print version) www.sensebarreres.es for more information on the NGO Others artists included @baltasan @amspamsp @theminimals @bobbyanwar @sinched @chapterandverse @dominiquesavio @sunflowerof21 @fabsgrassi @fernandojcruz @hnato_nf @jscantero @otije @michmutters @olgavimo @sondergaard @oceanuants @jackhollingsworth @alanwilkie @lafeticheria @mankiango @misvincent
by shootermag | May 16, 2014 | Baltasar Lopez, SHOOTER N4 | GUEST ARTIST, TESTIMONIAL MOBILE SHOOTER