CAN YOU SEE ME, 2012. iPhone 4
LEE THATCHER @leethatch This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by LEE THATCHER @leethatch and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE, “Photojournalism Without Borders
UNTITLED, 2013. iPhone 5
TONI VEGARA @tonivegara This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by TONI VEGARA @tonivegara and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE, “Photojournalism Without Borders”
JOSUÉ CASTRO @latentacion This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by JOSUÉ CASTRO @latentacion and is included in the PROFESSIONAL NO MOBILE SHOOTER article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE, “Photojournalism...
Tail fin, 2013. iPhone 4S
DEWEY THOMAS @deweythomas_sf This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by DEWEY THOMAS @deweythomas_sf and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE, “Photojournalism Without...