La Piedad, 2012. iPhone 3GS
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by JORDI LLÀCER @jordillacer friend of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE IMAGE”. Winter 2012 / 2013
May i join u?, 2012. iPhone 4S
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by KOSHI NISHIJIMA @koshi_another_side friend of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE IMAGE”. Winter 2012 /...
Live in rooms full of light – Cornelius Celsus, 2012. iPhone 4S
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by CHRISTINA NOERDAM ANDERSEN @cirkeline subscriber and shareholder 0318/3000 of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE...
Girl in fog, 2012. Samsung Galaxy SIII
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by ATLE RØNNINGEN @atler and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE IMAGE”. Winter 2012 / 2013