Marilyn in París, 2011. IPhone 4S
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by Nathalie Geoffrey @nathparis and is included in the article of this gorgeous Parisian in “Start Project”bof SHOOTER. If you want to enjoy photography of Nathalie, a cast of artists of unbeatable...
Untittle, 2011
We show you this wonderful photo of PABLO ALMANSA @incan, the PROFESSIONAL invited artist of SHOOTER. ISSUE N1 ⎮ Os mostramos esta maravillosa fotografía de PABLO ALMANSA @incan, el artista invitado PROFESIONAL de SHOOTER. ISSUE N1.
There was a little boy – and There was a little girl – and they live in a alley under the read sky, 2011. iPhone 4.
Tittle ⎮ Título. “There was a little boy – and There was a little girl – and they live in a alley under the read sky”, 2011. iPhone 4. We show you this wonderful work of “Stig Jossund @s10g”, one of the invited artists of SHOOTER...
Tittle ⎮ Título. “THE ETERNAL SENTINEL”, 2011. IPHONE 4S. We show you this wonderful photo of SANTI TUR @atfunk, one of the invited artists of SHOOTER. ISSUE N1 ⎮ Os mostramos este maravillosa fotografía de SANTI TUR @atfunk, uno de los artistas invitados...