Untitled, 2012. iPhone 4S. NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_
Untitled, 2012. iPhone 4S. NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_ This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_ and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE,...
The afghan, 2013. Sony Xperia Z. Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother
The afghan, 2013. Sony Xperia Z. Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE,...
Carmelina Pascoe Editor-at-Large Australia
The Story Teller The touch of a hand, a drooping of the shoulders, a head thrown back in laughter. These seemingly insignificant moments fill our days and speak more about ourselves than we care to admit. It is these small moments that grab Carmelina’s...