Dominique Savio @dominiquesavio THE PLASTICITY OF A LOOK. Not everyone of us have the ability to synthesize a network system in a format, capturing light and shadow, colors and sensations, volume or texture; but we are aware of this when we see any of the works of...
She’d been living in the past for so long, and it was a bright new day…, 2013. iPhone 5
Carmelina Pascoe @chapterandverse Carmelina’s carefully crafted photos have a fine sense of balance, positioning the subject and their surrounds so they are comfortably weighted within the frame. Her architecture of definitive lines dart between the confines of her...
Stress, 2012. iphone 4
Bruno Ribeiro @sinched Las fotos de Bruno contienen momentos. Son el dolor más profundo, el amor verdadero y todo lo que está entre medias. Su trabajo cuenta historias secretas que envuelven la mente, distorsionándola a través de cada fotograma. Él guía con sus manos,...