La Piedad, 2012. iPhone 3GS
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by JORDI LLÀCER @jordillacer friend of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE IMAGE”. Winter 2012 / 2013
May i join u?, 2012. iPhone 4S
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by KOSHI NISHIJIMA @koshi_another_side friend of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE IMAGE”. Winter 2012 /...
Live in rooms full of light – Cornelius Celsus, 2012. iPhone 4S
This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by CHRISTINA NOERDAM ANDERSEN @cirkeline subscriber and shareholder 0318/3000 of SHOOTER MAGAZINE and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the second issue of SHOOTER “THE POWER OF THE...