no title, 2012, iPhone 4s
Fabs Grassi @fabsgrassi Lo que hace que la fotografía de calle sea interesante, es la humanidad que se desprende de cada disparo. Aunque la teoría parece fácil, el capturar fotos que transmitan emoción a la persona que las observa, es algo extremadamente complicado....
Billy – Lashes & Lips, 2012. iphone 4s
Elaine Taylor @sunflowerof21 The colours. The blues and greens; cold colours that become warm through Elaine's eyes. Through her images she introduces us to her children, their smiles, their adventures and their misadventures. Her photos of Charlie and Billy are an...
Dominique Savio @dominiquesavio THE PLASTICITY OF A LOOK. Not everyone of us have the ability to synthesize a network system in a format, capturing light and shadow, colors and sensations, volume or texture; but we are aware of this when we see any of the works of...
She’d been living in the past for so long, and it was a bright new day…, 2013. iPhone 5
Carmelina Pascoe @chapterandverse Carmelina’s carefully crafted photos have a fine sense of balance, positioning the subject and their surrounds so they are comfortably weighted within the frame. Her architecture of definitive lines dart between the confines of her...
Stress, 2012. iphone 4
Bruno Ribeiro @sinched Las fotos de Bruno contienen momentos. Son el dolor más profundo, el amor verdadero y todo lo que está entre medias. Su trabajo cuenta historias secretas que envuelven la mente, distorsionándola a través de cada fotograma. Él guía con sus manos,...
Wire, 2012. iPhone 4S
Bobby Anwar @bobbyanwar Una ominosa curva de luz alcanza el borde de la ventana. Serpico está emitiendo sus últimas escenas en la pantalla del televisor mientras Bobby se ata los cordones de sus zapatos para la hora mágica. Como tantas veces antes, este día también lo...
IGBAND IS BORN, 2012. iPhone 4
IN MEMORIAM Alessio Castaldo @aleesio @theminimals Esta es la historia de un hombre que en el camino de su vida ha encontrado en la fotografía un puente entre lo que vemos y lo que sentimos… Durante su viaje con nosotros, tristemente corto, tuvo la oportunidad de...
Placer. Santiago de Compostela, verano 2013. iPhone 5
PHOTO MOBILE SHOOTER Adan Sánchez @amspamsp Nuestras fotos son nuestras huellas. Son la mejor manera de decirle al mundo que estuvimos aquí." Joe McNally Y sería imposible no reconocer una fotografía de Adán entre todas las fotos que veo a lo largo del día en...
TESTIMONIAL MOBILE SHOOTER Baltasar Lopez @baltasan RUBEN’S HISTORY I AM NOT RARE, I AM EXCEPTIONAL! Every morning, Ruben’ s parents wake up early, very early, to tidy him up, to nourish him and other small details that have already standardized in their lives. They...
ISSUE N6 Autumn Project 2014 The first cover
It is our pleasure to introduce Shooter Magazine N6 CHARACTERS IN TRANSIT Autumn Project 2014 We show the first Cover Tiempo, 2013. iPhone 4 by José Luis Barcia @Joseluisbarcia 2 differents covers +10 artists +200 pages. +200 photos and almost 1 kg of "pure paper"...
N5 Special Portraits Project 2014 vol. I & II
EDITOR'S LETTER SPECIAL PORTRAITS PROJECT by Milos Kalvin OUR GUEST EDITOR The Ghost of a Metaphor by Giacomo Por TESTIMONIAL MOBILE The Hadzabe people, the last bushmen by Mayka Navarro ARTISTS vol I 028 ade santora 036 alessandra galiani 044 andi sabath 052...
N5 Special Portraits Project 2014 vol. I & II
EDITOR'S LETTER SPECIAL PORTRAITS PROJECT by Milos Kalvin OUR GUEST EDITOR The Ghost of a Metaphor by Giacomo Por TESTIMONIAL MOBILE The Hadzabe people, the last bushmen by Mayka Navarro ARTISTS vol I 028 ade santora 036 alessandra galiani 044 andi sabath 052...
N5 Special Portraits Project 2014 vol. I & II
EDITOR'S LETTER SPECIAL PORTRAITS PROJECT by Milos Kalvin OUR GUEST EDITOR The Ghost of a Metaphor by Giacomo Por TESTIMONIAL MOBILE The Hadzabe people, the last bushmen by Mayka Navarro ARTISTS vol I 028 ade santora 036 alessandra galiani 044 andi sabath 052...
N5 Special Portraits Project 2014 vol. I & II
EDITOR'S LETTER SPECIAL PORTRAITS PROJECT by Milos Kalvin OUR GUEST EDITOR The Ghost of a Metaphor by Giacomo Por TESTIMONIAL MOBILE The Hadzabe people, the last bushmen by Mayka Navarro ARTISTS vol I 028 ade santora 036 alessandra galiani 044 andi sabath 052...
Shooter Magazine N4 OUR GUEST EDITORS Bruce Weber & David Bailey. THEY ARE SOME ARTISTS PUBLISHED IN THE FOUR ISSUE OF THE SHOOTER MAGAZINE What happens when two of the world’s most respected photographers meet the PureView power of the Nokia...
Shooter Magazine N4 OUR GUEST EDITORS Bruce Weber & David Bailey. THEY ARE SOME ARTISTS PUBLISHED IN THE FOUR ISSUE OF THE SHOOTER MAGAZINE What happens when two of the world’s most respected photographers meet the PureView power of the Nokia Lumia 1020? We handed...
Shooter Magazine N4 EDITOR'S LETTER Milos Kalvin @shootermagazine Photo by Giacomo Por @saturninofarandola. Dreaming is the reason why i am alive. My whole life i’ve been playing this role of designer which, for the time being, i don’t feel like quitting, and maybe...
Untitled, 2012. iPhone 4S. NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_
Untitled, 2012. iPhone 4S. NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_ This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by NIKOS INGLEZAKIS @ingleland_ and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE, "Photojournalism...
The afghan, 2013. Sony Xperia Z. Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother
The afghan, 2013. Sony Xperia Z. Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother This magnificent image belongs and has been carried out by Dilshad Corleone @italianbrother and is included in the article of this gorgeous artist in the THIRD ORDINARY ISSUE OF SHOOTER MAGAZINE,...
Carmelina Pascoe Editor-at-Large Australia
The Story Teller The touch of a hand, a drooping of the shoulders, a head thrown back in laughter. These seemingly insignificant moments fill our days and speak more about ourselves than we care to admit. It is these small moments that grab Carmelina's attention. She...
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